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Why does margin auto not work in CSS?

When and why margin auto does not work in CSS? is a very popular technique in CSS that is most commonly used to center an element by the developers. However, if you apply it to an element without proper understanding, it might not work for you. is not working might be that you have not set the width of the element. , it will not work.

How does margin auto work?

These two will define different layouts for an element. This is the most common use of margin auto we come across often. By assigning auto to the left and right margins of an element, they take up the available horizontal space in the element’s container equally – and thus the element gets centered.

What are CSS margin properties?

The CSS margin properties are used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders. With CSS, you have full control over the margins. There are properties for setting the margin for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left). CSS has properties for specifying the margin for each side of an element:

What is CSS margin collapsing?

The CSS margin collapsing happens when top and bottom (or vertical) margins touch each other. In the following example, is supposed to have a bottom margin of 70px. The element is supposed to have a top margin sized 50px. So the actual margin ends up being 70px. I have a bottom margin. I have a top margin.

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